Friday 17 October 2014

Week 6

There were no lectures on Monday which meant no tutorial this week as well. I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. This week we learned more about proofs. One thing I find frustrating about proofs is that they can seem so obvious when looking at the solution, but when I am trying to figure it out for the first time, I can sometimes get lost. One example is this proof below:
By selecting B = 100, it makes the inequality much easier to work with and is actually very simple when looking back at it. I think the key is to do enough practice problems so that if you do get a difficult one, it will be one that you have seen before.

We also received our midterm marks back this week and I managed to get perfect on the first test (humblebrag). My other midterms this week also went well so everything has been good so far. I hope to keep it up for the rest of the year. Thanks for reading once again.

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